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Generating traffic has always been the problem of every blogger. People use their own different techniques for increasing their blog traffic, like Advertisements, Social Media etc. A part of all these techniques there are also some secret techniques that most of the people don't know. Today we're going to share one of those secret techniques, and that is ViralContentBuzz.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
Most of the people think its just a waste of time but believe me! It Works. I've been using viralcontentbuzz for last 4-5 months and truly it helped me a lot in increasing my social media authority and my blog traffic. So, in this article we'll discuss about Viral Content Buzz and How to Use it for Generating Massive Traffic. First of all, lets talk about what is Viral Content Buzz?

What is Viral Content Buzz?

Viral Content Buzz is a service owned by Gerald Weber and Ann Smarty. Its concept is just brilliant. Viral Content buzz is a platform that utilizes a crowd-sourcing model to facilitate the generation of REAL “social buzz” on quality content.

For example, you write an outstanding post and publish it on your Blog. The next thing is to promote it, okay, you shared it on your Facebook page, twitter account and G+ Profile, but the post still runs out of steam. Here comes the concept of ViralContentBuzz. Using Viral Content Buzz you can generate hundreds of shares to your content. Lets see How it Works?


  • Make your Blog Go Viral
  • Higher Social Media Authority
  • Share High Quality Content on your Profile and increase your appearance

How it Works?

It's just simple, Promote others Content and get your Content Promoted. The more you promote others content, the more credits you earn and the more shares you generate.

Promote others content, you'll earn credits, add those credits to your Content and Generate Social Shares. VCB supports Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon. Joining VCB is free, you don't have to pay a penny.

How to Use it for Increasing your Shares and Traffic?

First of all, go to Register a new account or join by Facebook or Twitter.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
After the Registration, confirm your account and Log in to your Account. It'll redirect you to your Dashboard.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
Now its time to add your project, click Add Project, enter your Project Details and click Submit.
Note: It doesn't allow Direct Link/Home Page URL to your Blog. You can only submit your Blog Posts. The moderators will review your project and approve it. Once your project gets approved, now share others content to earn credits and add them to your project.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
To earn credits again go to the Dashboard and share others content on your profiles. Upon sharing it'll ask you to add your social profiles, so add your social profiles and start sharing. After earning credits, go to My Projects, add those credits to your Projects and start generate shares to your content.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
Thats it! Now, use viralcontentbuzz and start generating Massive Traffic to your Blog.

We hope this article may help you in generating more traffic to your blog and increasing your social media authority. Share this article with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us!

6 comments to ''Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz"

  1. Thank you for this post. I didn't know about until I read this and I am a blogger on two blogs that I started in early November 2014. I will certainly check out the site and join it to promote my blogs.

  2. I submitted three projects about a week ago, still haven't heard if they're approved. Is this normal?

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