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Create a Social Media Fans Counter Widget in Blogger

Recently we shared Flat Style Tabbed Social Media Widget for Blogger and today we're here with another amazing widget Social Media Fans Counter Widget for blogger. From the day Blogolect Blog was created we tried our best on sharing and developing blogger widgets and we'll continue these efforts. Today we're going to share a social media fans counter widget, this widget displays Facebook, Twitter and RSS buttons in a clean list style with your fans count. This is a clean and simple widget to show to subscribers on your blog and make your visitors get more interested in your blog. So let's begin

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Social Media Fans Counter Widget

How to Create a Social Media Fans Counter Widget in Blogger

First and foremost, log in to your Blogger Account >> Select a Blog >> Layout >> Add a Gadget, scroll down and select HTML/JavaScript gadget from the list of gadgets. Now Copy the following piece of code and paste it in the empty widget box

<div class="sidebarContainer" id="sidebarSubscribe">
            <a target="_blank" href="" class="subscribeSidebarBox" id="subscribeRSS">
                <span class="icon"></span>
                <span class="title">Subscribe to Our RSS feed</span>
                <span class="count">2000+</span>
            <a target="_blank" href="" class="subscribeSidebarBox" id="followTwitter">
                <span class="icon"></span>
                <span class="title">Follow Blogolect on Twitter</span>
                <span class="count">1000+</span>
            <a target="_blank" href="" class="subscribeSidebarBox" id="likeFacebook">
                <span class="icon"></span>
                <span class="title">Like Us On Facebook</span>
                <span class="count">800+</span>
            </a>  </div>

#sidebarSubscribe {
    padding: 25px 30px 20px;
a.subscribeSidebarBox {
    border: medium none;
    cursor: pointer;
    display: block;
    height: 60px;
    margin-bottom: 8px;
    position: relative;
    width: 265px;
#sidebarSubscribe span {
    color: #6E6E6E;
    display: block;
    padding: 3px;
    position: absolute;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 white;
#sidebarSubscribe .icon {
    background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
    height: 45px;
    left: 10px;
    top: 10px;
    width: 55px;
#sidebarSubscribe .title {
    font-size: 12px;
    left: 70px;
    top: 8px;
#sidebarSubscribe .count {
    font: bold 18px/28px 'Myriad Pro',Tahoma,Arialm,sans-serif;
    left: 70px;
    top: 23px;
#subscribeRSS .icon {
    background-position: 0 -50px;
#followTwitter .icon {
    background-position: -100px -50px;
#likeFacebook .icon {
    background-position: -200px -50px;
a.subscribeSidebarBox {
    background-color: #FAFAFA;
    border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
a.subscribeSidebarBox:hover {
    background-color: #FDFDFD;

a, a:active {
   text-decoration: none;


  • Replace with your RSS feed URL and 2000+ with your RSS Subscribers
  • Replace with your twitter account URL and 1000+ with your Twitter Followers
  • Replace with your Facebook URL and 800+ with your Facebook Likes

Click Save button and you're done!

From Editors Desk

We hope this article may have helped you in learning How to Create a Social Media Fans Counter Widget in Blogger. Share this article with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.

8 Effective Ways to Generate Massive Traffic from Facebook

Facebook is the #1 social media network with 1.19 billion monthly active users and 728 million daily users. Facebook helps you connect with people and your friends and family for free. For bloggers Facebook is one of the major sources of traffic for their websites. Bloggers are generating thousands to millions of visitors from Facebook. Would you like to drive more website traffic from your Facebook page? Facebook provides incredible opportunities for driving traffic to your blog/website. With its billions of active users, you can generate massive traffic to your website from Facebook. Combining your website with Facebook can generate millions of visitors for your website. With a Facebook page you can reach thousands to millions of users for your website. Today in this article, we're going to share 8 effective and creative ways to boost your website traffic using Facebook.
Effective Ways to Generate Massive Traffic from Facebook

Create a Facebook Fan Page and Group

The first thing you should do after starting your website is to Create a Facebook Fan Page for your Website. After creating a page for it., promote your page by sharing it on your Facebook Profile, inviting your friends to like it and request them to share on their profiles. You can drive massive traffic from your Facebook page, if you're doing it the right way.

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A Group can also be very helpful for generating traffic to your blog. For example, you created a Facebook Group for your website and it has +10 thousand members. If just 2000 members are active, so imagine how much traffic your blog will generate from that group. So, create a group add your friends to it and request your friends to add their friends to it.

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By using your Facebook Page and Group in the right way, you can generate massive traffic from Facebook. Don't forget to Join our Page and Group on Facebook.

Promote your Page and Join Groups

No doubt, a Fan Page is nothing without the fans. After creating your fan page, don't forget to promote it. Invite all of your friends to like it and request them to promote your page. Share your page with other bloggers and make your page go viral.

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After creating your page and group, don't forget to join other groups related to your niche. Join the groups related to your niche and having thousands of members. After publishing articles on your blog, page and group, share it on all the groups you've joined. It really helps in generating traffic.

Add your Blog URL to your "About" Box

Another easy way to drive more traffic to your blog is by adding your blog URL to the about section of your Page and Group. People will visit your blog as soon as they read the description.
Effective Ways to Generate Massive Traffic from Facebook
But remember in order to display your Blog URL in your about box, write a description of just one or two line and then leave your Blog Link. If your Description is too long, then people will have to click about section. So write a short description and then leave your link.
Effective Ways to Generate Massive Traffic from Facebook
You can also do so by leaving your link in your Group description box. In the Group description box start your description with your blog URL, because if you add your URL at the end, people will have to click See More link. So, leave your blog link in the start of the group description. Here's an example:
This group is created by WEBSITE URL.

Remove the Link

There is no need to keep the post link in the text of your posts. When you add a link to your posts, Facebook generates its click-able preview with your post link and on click it redirects to your link. So, there is no need to keep the URL in your post text.
Effective Ways to Generate Massive Traffic from Facebook
Removing the link gives your posts a unique look. The best way is to add the Post Title or a Short Description about that article to your post text.

Share a Link Regularly

Share a link to your blog on your page regularly. It keeps your followers updated to your latest posts. It's not important to share a single link every day, you can share multiple links, but remember share your links after some time interval. Like sharing a link after 4 or 6 hours, by doing this people will receive your posts on their Newsfeed more than once a day and by sharing after interval they would have some time for reading your recent post.

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Also, if you don't publish content on your website, keep sharing the previous interesting posts in order to keep your fans busy. It's a great way for generating massive traffic.

Make your Updates Short

No doubt that blog posts are too long and contains thousands of words. While sharing your posts on Facebook, keep in mind that don't copy-paste your complete article or 7-8 lines of your article. Just keep it simple and short. Share your Posts with a 2-3 lines of text.
Effective Ways to Generate Massive Traffic from Facebook
About what your article is? Just take some 2-3 interesting lines, a quote about your post or its title and share it. It gives your post a clean and unique look. People will get interested by reading those lines/quote.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Create a List of the Most Visited or Commented articles and share it on your page. It generates more clicks to your Website from Facebook because your followers get a complete list of your last week updates. A weekly wrap-up post gives your fans a chance to see your last week's articles at a glance. You can also publish a post on your blog every month with the most visited posts of the month.

Recommended: Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz 

Use Facebook Ads to Promote your Posts

Advertise your blog and posts on Facebook and give a boost to your reach. You can advertise on Facebook as low as $5. Facebook advertising is a great way to boost your website traffic if you've money. You can use Facebook ads for advertising your website, page, posts and for increasing conversations on your website.

From Editors Desk

You can generate thousands of visitors to your website/blog from Facebook, if you use it in a right way. We hope all the above tips would help you in generating free massive traffic to your website.

What do you do for generating traffic to your website from Facebook? Share your tips in the comments section below and subscribe us via email to receive more interesting articles directly to your inbox.

Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz

Generating traffic has always been the problem of every blogger. People use their own different techniques for increasing their blog traffic, like Advertisements, Social Media etc. A part of all these techniques there are also some secret techniques that most of the people don't know. Today we're going to share one of those secret techniques, and that is ViralContentBuzz.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
Most of the people think its just a waste of time but believe me! It Works. I've been using viralcontentbuzz for last 4-5 months and truly it helped me a lot in increasing my social media authority and my blog traffic. So, in this article we'll discuss about Viral Content Buzz and How to Use it for Generating Massive Traffic. First of all, lets talk about what is Viral Content Buzz?

What is Viral Content Buzz?

Viral Content Buzz is a service owned by Gerald Weber and Ann Smarty. Its concept is just brilliant. Viral Content buzz is a platform that utilizes a crowd-sourcing model to facilitate the generation of REAL “social buzz” on quality content.

For example, you write an outstanding post and publish it on your Blog. The next thing is to promote it, okay, you shared it on your Facebook page, twitter account and G+ Profile, but the post still runs out of steam. Here comes the concept of ViralContentBuzz. Using Viral Content Buzz you can generate hundreds of shares to your content. Lets see How it Works?


  • Make your Blog Go Viral
  • Higher Social Media Authority
  • Share High Quality Content on your Profile and increase your appearance

How it Works?

It's just simple, Promote others Content and get your Content Promoted. The more you promote others content, the more credits you earn and the more shares you generate.

Promote others content, you'll earn credits, add those credits to your Content and Generate Social Shares. VCB supports Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon. Joining VCB is free, you don't have to pay a penny.

How to Use it for Increasing your Shares and Traffic?

First of all, go to Register a new account or join by Facebook or Twitter.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
After the Registration, confirm your account and Log in to your Account. It'll redirect you to your Dashboard.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
Now its time to add your project, click Add Project, enter your Project Details and click Submit.
Note: It doesn't allow Direct Link/Home Page URL to your Blog. You can only submit your Blog Posts. The moderators will review your project and approve it. Once your project gets approved, now share others content to earn credits and add them to your project.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
To earn credits again go to the Dashboard and share others content on your profiles. Upon sharing it'll ask you to add your social profiles, so add your social profiles and start sharing. After earning credits, go to My Projects, add those credits to your Projects and start generate shares to your content.
Boost your Blog Traffic and Authority with ViralContentBuzz
Thats it! Now, use viralcontentbuzz and start generating Massive Traffic to your Blog.

We hope this article may help you in generating more traffic to your blog and increasing your social media authority. Share this article with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us!

RebelMouse : Build your Own Social Website

Have you heard about, a great service created by Huffington Post CTO “Paul Berry”. Basically RebelMouse is your social front page. It links Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram and all other pages and websites to your RebelMouse page and publishes all the content that you've shared on all these websites on one page.

What it is?

In the words of developers themselves:

RebelMouse is your social front page; connect all of your social networks to create a beautiful, dynamic site in seconds. RebelMouse shows the world what you care about and automatically updates as you share.

Create your Social Website

Using RebelMouse you can provide your users a place where you can share all your social content you produce and all on just one page. Social Hub, a social hub is a place that collects all the data and posts from all your social account and shows it on just a single page, it is just like online communities.
If you still don't understand that what RebelMouse is then simply we can say that RebelMouse is a Social Hub which collect your posts from all your social accounts.

Pricing (Free)

  • Your Website at
  • Several free layouts/templates
  • Drag and Drop posts and Freeze your posts
  • Subs-pages and Rebel Nav within your site

Pricing (Premium)

  • Custom Domain
  • Full publishing, publish blog posts, videos, images and more directly to your site
  • Customize your site using CSS

How to Use RebelMouse

Step 1. Go to and Create an Account

Step 2. Add your Social Media accounts i.e Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc. Your site will be created automatically with a free URL address (
Step 3. At last go to design and choose a design/layout for your site. RebelMouse provides you several layout templates or you can design your own using CSS (CSS Design only for Pro Users)
And your site is ready.


RebelMouse is a great place for collecting all your posts. Thousands of people are using this great service including some top brands like Burger King, Sprite, MTV and others.
What do you think about RebelMouse? Leave your responses in the comments section below. Share this article with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.

5 Websites for Adding Social Sharing Buttons to your Blog

Social media is a critical factor for the success or failure of your blog. You can boost up your visitors with the help of social media. You can make your blog successful by using social networks like Facebook, twitter and Google +. Here comes the concept of social sharing buttons. Social Sharing Buttons will help you visitors to share your content easily by just clicking on an icon. So, there are 5 Websites mentioned below that you can use to add social sharing buttons to your blog :

5 Website for Adding Social Sharing Buttons to your Website

1- ShareThis  (

2- AddToAny (

3- Shareaholic (

4- AddThis (

5- Simple Share Buttons (